Hau Giang pineapple


Vi Thanh with the advantages of the Western river features has very impressive features that attract the eyes of tourists from near and far. Besides the familiar Hau Giang tourist attractions, Cau Duc Pineapple Field Community Tourism Village (Thanh Thang hamlet, Hoa Tien commune, Vi Thanh city) is a new destination suitable for those who want to explore. nature, returning to the fields.

According to local farmers, pineapples (pineapple, pineapple) appeared on Vi Thanh land around 1930. Hoa Tien people saw good varieties and started breeding them to plant on the banks of Cai Lon river. Since then, the pineapple tree has taken root and has remained strong until today.

The name Cau Duc pineapple was formed because at that time in the locality there was a cement bridge (built by the French colonialists) across the Cai Lon river in Hoa Tien commune, people brought the pineapple to sell. Traders from all over gathered at Cau Duc to buy pineapples and the name "Cau Duc Clusters" was formed.

Coming to Hoa Tien commune and Vi Thanh town in the last days of February to April of the lunar calendar every year, there are pineapples everywhere. According to the old farmers here, Cau Duc bushes have been present in Hoa Tien since the 30s of the last century. Initially, only a few households grew them, but then they found the pineapples delicious and easy to grow, so local people propagated them and planted them along the banks of the Cai Lon River. At that time, Hoa Tien commune had a cement bridge (built by the French colonialists) across the Cai Lon river. Every day, people bring pineapples to sell under the bridge, and traders from all over also gather there. Over time, it became a small market and the name Cau Duc cluster was also born from there.

Cau Duc pineapple belongs to the Queen variety, originating from Thailand. The characteristics of this variety are that the fruit has an elegant shape, protruding eyes, short stems, slightly deep eye pits, small core, dark yellow flesh, little fiber, little water, crunchy and sweet. Cau Duc pineapple is usually planted at the beginning of the rainy season in April and May. If grown with stem buds, it takes 8 - 10 months to flower, and if grown with stem buds, it takes 12 months to flower. According to pineapple growers in Hoa Tien commune, pineapple is a type of plant that flowers in a short period of time. Therefore, flowering treatment to help spread the crop throughout the year is essential to avoid product stagnation. Normally a pineapple crop lasts from one and a half to two months. The end of February to the beginning of March of the lunar calendar every year is the time when pineapples are harvested in full bloom. If processed in the off-season, the pineapple will produce products around July and August.

When mature, Cau Duc pineapple trees are over 1 meter tall, weighing 1.5-2kg/fruit, with an average yield of 20 tons/ha. Due to the characteristics of the soil, the pineapples in this area have a sweet taste and rarely burn the tongue. After peeling the pineapple, it has a very eye-catching yellow color, sweet and fragrant flavor and is very delicious to eat. In particular, Cau Duc pineapple can be left for about 10-15 days without spoiling.

Since 2004, after separating from Can Tho province, Hau Giang province's capital has been located in Vi Thanh town. Therefore, technical investment and seed improvement are given more attention, and the quality of pineapples is also improved. Pineapple fruit is getting bigger and bigger, sweet in taste, small pulp, sparse fiber. Visitors who come to Hau Giang for work or tourism, after enjoying pineapple products, do not forget to buy some to give to relatives. In 2006, Cau Duc pineapple was recognized by the Department of Intellectual Property as the trademark Hau Giang Cau Duc pineapple. Since then, more and more people know about this delicious Hau Giang specialty.

Like Phu Huu Nam Roi grapefruit, Cau Duc pineapple is utilized from root to tip without missing any part. Products from pineapples created by people are very diverse, rich and have economic value such as pressed pineapple juice, dried pineapple without sugar, jam, candy, wine, carbonated beverages... Pineapple leaves are used. for processing into fibers and pulp. Pineapple residue, thought to be thrown away, is also used as a raw material for animal feed processing.

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